Páginas en Áreadoc

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Los Códices Madrid I y II de Leonardo da Vinci.

Tomado de http://www.bne.es/es/AreaPrensa/noticias/LibroInteractivoLeonardo.html

Los Códices Madrid I y II, la única obra de Leonardo da Vinci en España, una de las grandes joyas de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, ya es interactiva en Internet.

A partir de ahora, cualquiera puede tener los dos cuadernos de trabajo de da Vinci –con su transcripción y traducción– en sus manos, dentro de un contexto intelectual y temporal, y acceder a contenidos multimedia que contextualizan la obra: música de la época, animaciones en 3D, herramientas de búsqueda, zoom de alta calidad, juegos…
El proyecto, fruto de la colaboración entre la BNE y Telefónica, es una respuesta a la excelente acogida que ha tenido El Quijote interactivo, con más de 2.300.000 visitas desde su lanzamiento a finales de octubre de 2010.
Setecientas dieciocho páginas digitalizadas a gran calidad entre los dos Códices Madrid recientemente restaurados forman un libro interactivo que cuenta además con más de 120 obras digitalizadas de la BNE, 11 pistas de música de la época, 42 animaciones en 3D, más de un centenar de páginas con contenidos interactivos, casi cien citas extraídas de los Códices Madrid del Leonardo más personal y un mapa cronológico con cuarenta fichas que recogen pasajes de la vida y contexto de Leonardo.
El libro interactivo constituye una prueba más del equipo multidisciplinar que día a día trabaja en la BNE: bibliotecarios, investigadores, desarrolladores informáticos, diseñadores, gestores… unidos en el proyecto común de cubrir cualquier necesidad de un usuario con exigencias cambiantes y crecientes.
Tanto el primer proyecto, El Quijote, como ahora los Códices Madrid, no sólo permiten una inmersión profunda en estas dos joyas de la BNE y su época, sino que además contribuyen a eliminar barreras geográficas, haciendo posible que lectores e investigadores de todo el mundo puedan acceder a estas importantes obras.

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

The Internet Revolution is the New Industrial Revolution

Tomado de  http://www.forbes.com/sites/michakaufman/2012/10/05/the-internet-revolution-is-the-new-industrial-revolution/
Micha Kaufman, Contributor

In the mid-90s, ARPANet was transformed from a military safety net to the civilian Internet that has become such an integral part of our lives, bringing with it change not only technological, but societal and epic in scope.
Consider the following:
Forty years ago, the average person followed an employment path largely determined by birth and education, often committing to one employer until retirement. Today you probably wouldn’t even consider that as a viable option. Success is no longer solely determined by the right education, the perfect resume, or even your age and background. Teens as young as 12 are now coding websites, producing films and building networks through social media. By the time they’re adults, this online generation will already have some skills and real-world experience that a formal education just can’t provide.
The Internet is bringing a revolution along with it. Access to information combined with global supply and demand is reshaping established conventions and destroying old world definitions.

To understand where I am going with this, take the word ‘local.’ It once referred to your own street, town or even the state you lived in, but noweverywhere is local. Americans are outsourcing their services to companies from China to Brazil, all from the comfort of their own homes. Where once our reach was limited by physical boundaries, today almost everyone and everything is just a digital handshake away.

Long established workplace conventions – from defined office hours to physical office space – are being tossed out the window. Success was once defined by a suit and the ‘9 to 5’; now it can achieved by working in pajamas and starting at noon after a morning at the gym and leisurely latte. The very definition of ‘success’ is now drastically changing. It once meant a “keeping up with the Joneses” lifestyle your neighbors would be envious of; now it’s about making personal, intimate choices about how to live your life. Of course some still associate it purely with wealth, but for many, success is being measured in other ways –happiness, freedom, health, more time for travel and family.
Interconnected societies are the global engine that transforms people from employees to micro entrepreneurs. Anyone now has the opportunity to monetize their skills, from the full-time worker looking for additional income to the once hobbyist building their very own business. True change affects both young and old, and while 15-year old hedge fund managers may capture the imagination, we’ve got 80-year old entrepreneurs grabbing headlines too. It’s truly an uncontested market where talent, skills and experience become commodities outside the narrow boundaries of traditional employment (if such a thing as “traditional” even exists anymore).
As we engage in a century where everyone is not only a global citizen, but a valuable “Brand in Waiting,” we begin to understand that the Internet Revolution IS in fact the Industrial Revolution of our time. It’s a sweeping social disruption that brings with it not only new inventions and scientific advances, but perhaps most importantly revolutionizes both the methods of work and we the workers ourselves.
It’s the return of personal choice and personal definitions of value, as we increasingly define ourselves by the work we produce rather than being defined only by the work available.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

13 Documentos recientes sobre Sociedad de la Información

13 Documentos recientes sobre Sociedad de la Información
Tomado de http://www.unblogenred.es/13-documentos-recientes-sobre-sociedad-de-la-informacion/

Ya está disponible una nueva selección del ONTSI con boletines, libros, artículos, estudios e informes relevantes sobre Sociedad de la Información e Indicadores TIC procedente de fuentes nacionales e internacionales, públicas y privadas.
(1) The global competitiveness report: 2012-2013 (World Economic Forum)
(2) Quantitative estimates of the demand of cloud computing in the Europe and the likely barriers to up-take. (IDC // European Commission)
(4) New skills and jobs in Europe: pathways to full employment European Commission, DG for Research and Innovation.
(5) Study on Impact assessment for legislation on mutual recognition and acceptance of e-Identification and e-Authentication across borders Intrasoft International, TNO European Commission, DG Information Society.
(6) Towards a Trusted and Sustainable European Federated eID system ISA, Interoperatibility  Solutions for European Public Administration European Commission, DG Information Society and Media.
(7) Statistical, ecosystems and competitiveness analysis of the media and content industries: the  newspaper publishing industry European Commission, JRC, Joint Research Centre, IPTS, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
(8) Statistical, ecosystems and competitiveness analysis of the media and content industries: the film sector European Commission, JRC, Joint Research Centre, IPTS, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
(9) Statistical, ecosystems and competitiveness analysis of the media and content industries: the  media and content industries: a quantitative overview European Commission, JRC, Joint Research Centre, IPTS, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
(10) Making “Bring your own device” work for the enterprise. Accenture.
(11) Propuesta de indicadores para el seguimiento de la Agenda Digital para España y la Sociedad de la Información. COIT, Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicació .
(12) IV Estudio IAB sobre mobile marketing: informe de resultados: IV estudio  The Cocktail Analysis. Google, Madrid, La Catedral, IAB Septiembre 2012.
(13) Web Index 2012 Web Foundation, Oxford Economics.